Saturday, September 1, 2007

reunions, hiking and the lake - the last days of summer

We had such a great summer with Justin not working too much and going to summer school. We were able to spend so much time together. I loved it. Now Justin is back in school with hard classes and spending lots of time working on my mom and dad's new home (framing starts next week). Here are a few highlights from August.

Anderson Reunion

our annual family photo at the Anderson (my grandma bagley's family) reunion. I love my little family!

The Bagley Babes. Lisa, Marian, Renee, Mignon (mom), and Anne.

This is my cousin Emily's youngest, Eli. He and Ellie have the same birthday, Eli is just a year younger. He is so cute I can't stand it.

My grandma Bagley and Ellie. Does anyone else out there have a grandma that dresses better than they do?

Ellie and my grandpa Bagley

"Mamma Nicol" and Ellie.

Bear Lake

Our friends from our old ward, Liz and Tim Collings, invited us on their annual Bear Lake trip. So we tagged along with them and about 8 other couples for three days of relaxation on the beach. All the girls were either pregnant or had new babies so the moms mainly sat around watching the kids on the beach and nursing. Above is Liz and her cute baby Elijah.

Cabin the Collings are building. I love Liz because she has great taste and isn't afraid to use color as you can see.

This little boy in the video with Ellie is named Taj. Don't they make a cute couple?

Hot Pots

These pictures are from our family night hike to the hot pots up Diamond Fork. I just have to post these pictures because we need to take a vote: Does Cody look like me or not? Please say yes!!!

1 comment:

Michelle Hawkes said...

It sounds like you had a great month! You do way cooler things that I do. Your sweet little Ellie is so DANG CUTE!! She photographs with such an expressive face. Cody is a good-lookin dude too! :0) Have a great Labor Day weekend.