September is filled with Justin trying to get his fill of fun for the year. It actually drives me nuts. He spent the first half of Sep. in Lake Powell on three different trips back to back. I came down for a few days for the family trip but mostly only managed to make myself sick for a week afterwards because of all the sugar I ate. Justin took the kids down early though and they had a blast without mom. And lets face it, I had a blast without them!
The next week I went up to check out the Dirty Dash in Midway. Our friends put it on and I planned on just letting Ellie and Cody run the kids race, which they did. But then my friend Angie texted me and asked if I'd be on her team. It was 6 miles of muddy fun, obstacles, swampland, and a huge slip and slide. Other friends were up there and watched the kids while I ran (Justin still in LP, mind you). This will for sure turn into a yearly tradition.