a couple weekends ago some friends and i ran in the moab half marathon. despite only one long training run being of 8 miles i felt okay during the run but didn't run as fast as i thought i was. i finished in 1:57:00 and justin in 1:49:00. justin only ran maybe five times in preparation. what a goober. i hate boys.

heather, pete, emily, me and just

the next day we bikes amasa back, a.k.a. "awussa back." surpirsingly, i wasn't sore or tired from the race and loved every second - thank you Kara and John for letting us borrow your bikes! - I NEED an Enduro.
You two are insane. Court needs to whip me into shape this summer so that i can keep up with you guys.
P.S. I cannot beleive that justin ran the race in his garments!
Of course. Justin is an animal that way. Way to go guys, that is very impressive. I sure couldn't do it.
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