Christmas morning was so fun with just our little family. Ellie was so excited that Santa ate his cookies and milk and the reindeer ate their apples and carrots. I'm a little burned out from blogging so much so lets just get to the pictures.

My mom and dad came over about 9:00 for breakfast.

My dad got Justin some needed wrenches and Cody loved them as well.

This pictures shows quite a few of our presents. The "barbie with a pink dress", slinkie, leapfrog learning game for the TV, camelbak for me, big legos, and balloons.

For special gifts the wrapping is just as important as what's inside. This was from my mom to Ellie.

At lunch we went back out to Mapleton and spent the rest of the day there. The kids got spoiled but the rule was that the toys they got from grandma stay there which is fine by me...I don't think they would even fit in our house anyway!

Cody would not take a tired but trying to comprehend the wonder of...

a basketball hoop!
What a fun Christmas! One of the funnest things we got was a panini maker which we have used for more than a couple panini parties with friends and family since.